8th International Conference on Materials Science & Engineering
Event on: September | 21-22 | 2023
Mercure Paris CDG Airport & Convention, Paris, France
Materials science researches the connections that exist between the structures and properties of materials. Conversely, "materials building" is, based on these structure– property connections, planning or designing the structure of a material to deliver a foreordained arrangement of properties. It is the plan and disclosure of new materials, especially solids. For optical properties, the improvement is electromagnetic or light radiation; record of refraction and reflectivity are agent optical properties. At last, deteriorative attributes identify with the substance reactivity of materials.
• Computational materials science
• Solar Energy materials
• Soft Materials
• Fiber, films and membranes
• Hybridizing metallurgy
• Industrial and Quantum Materials
• Physics and Chemistry of Materials
• Polymer Chemistry
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These soft materials at a nanometer scale are regarded as soft nanomaterials, the examples include nanostructured materials such as polymers, liquid crystals, gels, self-assemblies, biopolymers, membranes, thin films, monolayers, multilayers, nanocomposites, hybrids, biological and biomimetic materials, etc.
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This field of study emphasizes theoretical, computational, and experimental approaches that contribute to a fundamental understanding of and new insight into the properties and behavior of materials and structures. General areas of interest include nano- and micro-scale solid mechanics, analysis and design of lightweight structures and materials, smart structures, uncertainty quantification and propagation, structural synthesis and optimization, and machine learning applications in materials design and modeling. The emphasis of the research efforts is on predicting and enhancing stiffness, shape-change, stability, toughness, damage-tolerance, longevity, optimal life-cycle costs, and self-adaptivity. Specific areas of focus include:
• Active Materials
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Composites
• Defect Formation/Propagation
• Deformation and Failure
• Machine Learning
• Morphing Structures
• Nanoscale Mechanics
• Uncertainty Quantification
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Functional materials are generally characterised as those materials which retain particular native parcels and functions of their own. For illustration, ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity, magnetism or energy storehouse functions. Functional materials are plant in all classes : ceramics, metals, polymers and organic motes. Functional materials are frequently used in electromagnetic operations from KHz to THz and at optic frequentness where the plasmonic parcels of essence assume particular significance. Functional materials are also of critical significance in accoutrements for energy similar as electro-and magnetocaloric materials, for energy storehouse and for solar harvesting functions. A special type of functional paraphernalia is synthesized with a large face to volume rate, in order to maximize their commerce with the terrain. Typical illustrations are functional shells and functional patches. The disquisition on their emulsion and their characterization is vital for future technologies.
• Physical Electronics
• Molecular Thin Films
Structural materials used or studied primarily for their mechanical parcels, as opposed to their electronic, glamorous, chemical or optic characteristics. This can include a materials response to an usable force, whether this response is elastic or plastic, its hardness, and its strength. The construction assiduity uses a variety of structure accoutrements for different aspects of a home figure. Engineers consult with structural masterminds on the cargo- bearing capabilities of the accoutrements with which they design, and the most common materials are concrete, sword, wood, masonry, and gravestone. It helps establish a relationship between the visual quality and structural stability in armature. The structure material named by an mastermind generalizes the type of armature rehearsed in theconstruction.Common structural accoutrements are wood, concrete, tubular or rolled- section sword and aluminium blends.
• Alloys
• Iron
• Concrete
• Aluminium
• Composites
• Fiber reinforced plastic
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Research in this area encompasses energy generation and harvesting, environmental impacts, and heat transfer. The topic of combustion addresses the chemical mechanisms governing combustion in diverse settings. Fuel-cell research encompasses the development of fuel-cell technology, hybrid engines and thermionic devices. Activities cover the thermodynamics of energy systems, the controls associated with advanced energy systems and systems analyses. Thermal solutions for emerging areas of nanotechnology are being developed where heat conduction is critical to performance. Areas of specific interest include:
• Combustion and Emissions
• Fuel Cell Technologies
• Advanced Energy Systems
• Renewable Energy
• Heat Transfer
• Atomization and Sprays
• Reaction Kinetics
• Nanomaterials
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Energy demand from developed and developing countries continues to grow, together with concerns on the detrimental effects that an energy economy based on fossil fuels has on the environment. This Insight discusses the latest advances in materials science that may boost the transition to more sustainable energy systems.
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When describing nanostructures, it is vital to differentiate between the amount of nanoscale dimensions in an object's volume. Nanofilms are very thin layers of fabric with thickness starting from a fraction of a nanometer to many micrometres. They act as an atomic-thick barrier between the surface world and therefore the overwhelming majority of physicochemical processes. To make nanostructured films, magnetron sputtering from an appropriate target material is usually used. Films are often built from simple materials, like those produced by sputtering from a pure metal target like copper, or they will be made from more complex elements.
• Organic-Based Nanostructures
• Scanning Electron Microscopy
• Nano WaterCube
• Magnetic nanochains
• Focused Ion Beam
Computational material science is a typical interdisciplinary of material science and computer science, which is the material scientific exploration about the computer design and computer trial in material composition, structure, performance, service performance. Computational materials and engineering uses Modeling, simulation, proposition, and informatics to understand accoutrements. The main pretensions include discovering new accoutrements, determining material geste and mechanisms, explaining trials, and exploring accoutrements propositions. At the electronic point, Viscosity Functional Proposition is a popular computational fashion while infinitesimal simulation styles Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo are considered favored tools. Phase- field Process is used routinely on micron and mesoscale administrations for accoutrements problems.
• Computational engineering
• Electronic structure
• Density functional theory
• Crystal plasticity
• Quantum Chemistry
Biomedical engineering or medical engineering is the application of engineering principles and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes. This field seeks to close the gap between engineering and medicine, combining the design and problem-solving skills of engineering with medical biological sciences to advance health care treatment, including diagnosis, monitoring, and therapy. Also included under the scope of a biomedical engineer is the management of current medical equipment within hospitals while adhering to relevant industry standards. This involves equipment recommendations, procurement, routine testing, and preventative maintenance, through to decommissioning and disposal. This role is also known as a Biomedical Equipment Technician or clinical engineering.
• Biopolymers
• Biomaterials
• Biotechnology
• Biomechanical Engineering
• Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing
Energy materials are a order of material with high quantum of stored energy which will be released. Energy materials encompass a broad class of materials that may have operations in energy conversion ortransmission.Advanced Energy material is a peer reviewed scientific journal covering energy- related exploration, including photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors, energy cells, hydrogen technologies, thermoelectrics, photocatalysis, solar energy technologies, glamorous refrigeration, and piezoelectric accoutrements. It publishes invited reviews and progress reports, full papers, and rapid-fire dispatches.Energy material is used to define any material which can reply to release energy.
• Renewable Energy
• Energy Storage & Grid Modernization
• Solar Thermal Batteries & Fuel Cells
• Electric Grid
• Storage & Conversion
• Fossil & Nuclear Energy
• Bioenergy Geothermal
• Renewable Fuels
• Anode Materials
• Microbatteries
Composite materials have extraordinary physical or substance properties. Composite materials area unit by and huge used for structures the foremost exceptional cases perform habitually on shuttle and flying machine in requesting things. The composite materials square measure often organized visible of lattice constituent. A coating, from a surface engineering point of view, may be a layer of fabric deposited onto a substrate to reinforce the surface properties for corrosion and wear protection. Functional coatings may be applied to change the surface properties of the substrate, such as adhesion, wettability, corrosion resistance, or wear resistance.A ceramic is any of the various hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials made by shaping then firing an inorganic, nonmetallic material, like clay, at a heat.
• Thermoplastics
• Nanolithography
• Ceramic Matrix composite
• Metal matrix composites
• Plastic recycling
• Advanced composite materials
• Mechanics of composite materials
A semiconductor material has an electrical conductivity value falling between that of a conductor, like metallic copper, and an insulator, like glass. Its resistivity falls as its temperature rises; metals behave within the opposite way. Its conducting properties could also be altered in useful ways by introducing impurities into the crystal structure. When two differently doped regions exist within the same crystal, a semiconductor junction is made. Semiconductor devices can display a variety of useful properties, like passing current more easily in one direction than the opposite , showing variable resistance, and having sensitivity to light or heat. Application of electrical fields, devices made up of semiconductors are often used for amplification, switching, and energy conversion. Semiconductors are wont to produce a spread of device types, including diodes , transistors, and integrated circuits. Semiconductors in their normal state, weak conductors as a current allows electrons to pass, stopping the whole influx of latest electrons and making their valence bands filled up.
• Early transistors
• Optical Processes in Semiconductors
• High thermal conductivity
• Thermal energy conversion
• Organic compounds
• Electrons and holes
• Semiconductor industry
Energy materials are a order of material with high quantum of stored energy which will be released. Energy materials encompass a broad class of materials that may have operations in energy conversion ortransmission.Advanced Energy material is a peer reviewed scientific journal covering energy- related exploration, including photovoltaics, batteries, supercapacitors, energy cells, hydrogen technologies, thermoelectrics, photocatalysis, solar energy technologies, glamorous refrigeration, and piezoelectric accoutrements. It publishes invited reviews and progress reports, full papers, and rapid-fire dispatches. Energy material is used to define any material which can reply to release energy.
• Renewable Energy
• Energy Storage & Grid Modernization
• Solar Thermal
• Batteries & Fuel Cells
• Electric Grid
• Storage & Conversion
• Fossil & Nuclear Energy
• Bioenergy Geothermal
• Renewable Fuels
• Anode Materials
• Microbatteries
Chemical Engineering is a certain type of engineering which deals with the study of operation and design of chemical plants as well as methods of improving production. Chemical engineers develop economical commercial processes to convert raw material into useful products. Chemical engineering uses principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, and economics to efficiently use, produce, design, transport and transform energy and materials. Chemical engineers are involved in many aspects of plant design and operation, including safety and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, modeling, control engineering, chemical reaction engineering, nuclear engineering, biological engineering, construction specification, and operating instructions.
• Biochemical engineering
• Bioinformatics
• Biological engineering
• Biotechnology engineering
Materials Chemistry is the section of materials Science and Engineering that investigates the chemical nature of accoutrements. This is a fast- growing and largely interdisciplinary area with veritably flexible boundaries. Materials chemistry involves the operation of chemistry for the design and conflation of accoutrements with potentially functional physical characteristics, similar as catalytic, glamorous, optic and structural parcels. It also involves the characterization, processing and molecular- position understanding of these substances. Functional accoutrements are erecting blocks of ultramodern society and play a critical part in the elaboration of technology. Accoutrements chemistry is unique in furnishing the intellectual foundation to design, produce, and understand new forms of matter, let it be organic, inorganic, or cold-blooded accoutrements.
• Organic & InorganicChemistry
• Theoretical Chemistry
• Catalysis
• Green chemistry
• Analytical chemistry
• Organic and inorganic Substances
• Micro and macro molecules
• Atomic structure and interatomic bonding
Electronic materials are sort of materials which are generally used as core rudiments during a kind of device operations. These rudiments can be LEDs, recollections, displays and could be simply seen in every day electronic widgets similar as tablets, GPS bias, LED bulbs, mobile phones, and computers, laptops, TVs and observers. Changing confines and position of functionality requires nonstop sweats to develop state of the art accoutrements to meet the technological challenges associated with development of these bias. Optic materials are substances which are used to manipulate the inflow of sun. This can include reflecting, absorbing, fastening or unyoking an optic ray. The effectiveness of a named material at each task is explosively wavelength dependent, therefore a full understanding of the commerce between light and matter is significant. Magnetic materials are materials used substantially for his or her glamorous parcels. A material is response to an applied glamorous flux are frequently characterized as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic.
• Electronic Materials and Devices
• Quantum Materials
• Diamagnetism
• Point Defects, Doping and Extended Defects
• Ferromagnetism
• Nanofabrication and Processing
• Paramagnetism
• Nonlinear Optical Materials
• Antiferromagnetism
Polymer Technology is an intertwined perfection injection molder of pottery, advanced polymers and essence which are supporting the Medical, Defense, Aerospace and Industrial sectors. Polymer Technology used in the fields of electronics and electrical accoutrements, fabrics, aerospace assiduity, machine assiduity, etc. The recent developments of Polymer Technology have advanced the field of material wisdom growing the use of polymer grounded substances from Electrical engineering, Dispatches, erecting accoutrements to Quilting materials, Fancy decoration papers, Machine, Aircrafts, etc. Plastic is containing of a wide range of synthetic orsemi-synthetic organic composites that are malleable and can be moldered into solid objects. Malleability is a property of all accoutrements which can distort irreversibly without breaking but, in the class of malleable polymers, this occurs to such a degree that their factual name derives from this specific capability. Plastics are generally organic polymers of high molecular mass and frequently contain other substances.
• Lasers in Polymer Science
• Polymer Matrix Composites and Technology
• Metal Matrix Composites and Technology
• Polymer Chemistry
• Plastics and the Environment Biopolymers
Carbon nanotubes are a class of nanomaterials that correspond of a two-dimensional hexagonal chassis of carbon tittles, fraudulent and joined in one direction so as to form a concave cylinder. Carbon nanotubes are one of the allotropes of carbon, specifically a class of fullerenes, intermediate between the buckyballs and graphene. Besides these single- wall carbon nanotubes, the name is also used formulti-wall (MWCNT) variants conforming of two or further nested nanotubes, or of graphene-suchlike strips rolled up into multiple layers like a scroll. Individual nanotubes naturally align themselves into" ropes" held together by fairly weak van der Waals forces. While one can make nanotubes of other compositions, utmost of the exploration has been concentrated on carbon bones; so that the carbon qualifier is frequently left implicit, and the names are abbreviated NT, SWNT, and MWNT. Carbon nanotubes can parade remarkable electrical conductivity, while others are semiconductors. They also have exceptional tensile strength and thermal conductivity because of their nanostructure and strength of the bonds between carbon tittles.
• Acutators
• Growth, synthesis techniques and integration methods
• Carbon nanotubes and graphene
• Transparent Conductive Materials
• Carbon nano chips and nanostructures
• 2D Metal Carbides and Nitrides
Nanoengineering is a branch of engineering that deals with all aspects of the design, structure, and use of machines, machines, and structures on the nanoscale. At its core, nanoengineering deals with nanomaterials and how they interact to make useful accoutrements, structures, bias, and systems. Nanoengineering isn't exactly a new wisdom, but, rather, an enabling technology with operations in utmost diligence from electronics to energy, drug, and biotechnology. The former technically focuses more nearly on the engineering aspects of the field, as opposed to the broader wisdom and general technology aspects that are encompassed by the ultimate.
A man- made product that small bitty indeed than a bacterium might not feel like it would be substantial or strong enough to make any difference in the real world. Still, like the also nanoscale DNA beaches noted above, nanomaterials stationed en masse have a profound effect. A vast range of products, from tennis discordances to antibacterial tapes, incorporate nanomaterials. Nanoenginners direct the manufacturing of these nanomaterials via multiple ways similar as electron ray lithography and micromachining. Nanoengineering is the practical operation of nanoscience. This field involves developing arising technologies which are atomic, important, and effective.
The Mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, accoutrements wisdom, structural analysis, and electricity. In addition to those core principles, mechanical masterminds use tools like CAD, computer- backed manufacturing (CAM), and wares lifecycle operation to style and dissect manufacturing shops, artificial outfit and ministry, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, boat, robotics, medical bias, munitions. It's the branch of engineering that involves the planning, product, and operation of ministry. The operation of engineering are frequently seen within the libraries of varied ancient and medieval societies. Civil engineering may be a professional engineering discipline that deals with the planning, construction, and conservation of the physical and naturally erected terrain, including structure like roads, islands, conduits, heads, airfields, sewage systems, channels, structural factors of structures, and railroads.
• Biomechanics,
• Mechatronics and robotics
• Fuels, combustion, internal combustion engine
• Coastal engineering
Nanotechnology is the atomic, molecular and supramolecular-scale running of matter. The fascinating thing about nanotechnology is that as the size scale of their confines exceeds nanometers the parcels of several materials change. Scientists and engineers are working to understand those advancements in properties and use them at nanoscale stage in the product and manufacturing. The field of materials wisdom includes nanoscale accoutrements discovery, characterization and use. Work on nanomaterials takes a wisdom- grounded approach to nanotechnology, affecting developments in the metrology and conflation of accoutrements that have been developed to support work on microfabrication. Nanoscale- position materials with structure have special optic, electrical, or mechanical properties.
• Nano/Meso-Structured Carbon Materials
• Nanostructured Materials
• Bionanotechnology and Nanomedicine
• Nano Engineering
• Biomaterials and Nano biotechnology
• Carbon nanotechnology
• Organic and Inorganic Nano materials
• Nanofibers, nanorods, nanopowders and nanobelts
The study of physical and chemical process that rises by objectification of two phases, with solid – liquid/ solid – gas/ solid – vacuum/ liquid – gas interfaces is named as Surface Science. The factual operation of face wisdom in affiliated arenas like chemistry, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and drugs is honored as Surface Engineering. Surface Chemistry achieves the revision of chemical configuration of a face by presenting functional groups and fresh rudiments while Face drugs deals with the physical diversions that arise at interfaces. Ways tangled in Surface engineering are spectroscopy styles similar asX-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, low- energy electron diffraction, electron energy loss spectroscopy, Auger electron spectroscopy, Thermal desorption spectroscopy, ion scattering spectroscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry, etc. The chemical responses at the interface is generally nominated as Surface Chemistry and is also linked to face engineering.
• Hard Coatings
• Surface modifications
• Nanoscale tribology
• Tribological applications
• Coatings and surface treatments
• Lubrication and lubricants
• Surface characterisation and metrology
Green materials are original and regenerative accoutrements. Original materials are special to the area and bind whatever people in a region make. Products similar as gravestone, cement, and beach are green products from the earth. Factory accoutrements like bamboo, meadows, hair, and wood are also accoutrements that have been used by humans since construction started. Environmental materials means adulterants, pollutants, or chemical, artificial, dangerous, or poisonous accoutrements or wastes, and including, without limitation, asbestos, or asbestos- containing accoutrements, PCBs, and petroleum, canvas or petroleum or canvas products or derivations.
Nanomedicine is the medical operation of nanotechnology. Nanomedicine ranges from the medical operations of nanomaterials and natural bias, to nanoelectronics, biosensors, and indeed possible future operations of molecular nanotechnology similar as natural machines. Current problems for nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related to toxin and environmental impact of nanoscale accoutrements ( accoutrements whose structure is on the scale of nanometers. Functionalities can be added to nanomaterials by uniting them with natural motes or structures. The size of nanomaterials is analogous to that of utmost natural motes and structures; thus, nanomaterials can be useful for both in vivo and in vitro biomedical exploration and operations. Therefore far, the integration of nanomaterials with biology has led to the development of individual bias, discrepancy agents, logical tools, physical remedy operations, and medicine delivery vehicles. Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a precious set of exploration tools and clinically useful bias in the near future. The National Nanotechnology Initiative expects new marketable operations in the pharmaceutical assiduity that may include advanced medicine delivery systems, new curatives, and in vivo imaging.
• Sensing
• Sepsis treatment
• Cell repair machines
Graphene is that the first 2D substance within the world, and it's the foremost versatile, thinest and strongest substance. Graphene may be a specific sort of carbon which will better conduct electricity and warmth than anything . Graphene is essentially one layer of graphite, a sheet of bonded carbon atoms sp2 arranged during a hexagonal (honeycomb) lattice. Graphene may be a carbon allotrope composed from one sheet of atoms organised during a honeycomb lattice nanostructure in two dimensions. Because of its outstanding lastingness , electrical conductivity, transparency, and standing because the world's thinnest 2D material, graphene has become a valuable and useful nanomaterial. However, there could also be quite one isomer for a few n numbers. Fullerenes greatly increased the amount of known carbon allotropes, which had previously been limited to graphite, diamond, and amorphous carbon like soot and charcoal. They've generated tons of interest, both due to their chemistry and since of their technical applications, particularly in materials science, electronics, and nanotechnology. Graphene features a lot of promise for extra applications: anti-corrosion coatings and paints, efficient and precise sensors, faster and efficient electronics, flexible displays, efficient solar panels, faster DNA sequencing, drug delivery, and more.
• Polymerization
• Graphene and fullerenes
• Graphene and ultra tin 2D materials
• Graphene 3D printing
• Ultra-Capacitor
• Graphene devices
A battery is a power source for electrical devices such as cell phones, flashlights, and electric cars that consists of one or more electrochemical cells with external connections. The electrode materials are irreversibly modified after discharge, hence primary (single-use or "disposable") batteries are used once and then destroyed. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries can be discharged and recharged several times with an applied electric current; reverse current can be used to restore the electrodes' original composition.
• Primary batteries
• Secondary batteries
A solid-state electrolyte (SSE) is a solid ionic conductor electrolyte that is a distinguishing feature of solid-state batteries. It can be used to replace liquid electrolytes in electrical energy storage (EES) systems, such as those found in lithium-ion batteries.
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A polymer is a substance or material conforming of veritably large molecules, or macromolecules, composed of numerous repeating subunits. Due to their broad diapason of parcels, both synthetic and natural polymers play essential and ubiquitous places in everyday life. Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics similar as polystyrene to natural biopolymers similar as DNA and proteins that are abecedarian to natural structure and function. Their accordingly large molecular mass, relative to small patch composites, produces unique physical parcels including durability, high pliantness, viscoelasticity, and a tendency to form unformed and semicrystalline structures rather thancrystals. Biopolymers are natural polymers produced by the cells of living organisms.There are three main classes of biopolymers, classified according to the monomers used and the structure of the biopolymer formed polynucleotides, polypeptides, and polysaccharides.
• Food microbiology § Microbial biopolymers
• Dendritic polymers
• Biopolymers and Bioplastics
• Polymer Chemistry
• Bio-hybrid polymer nanofibers
• Polymer Matrix Composites and Technology
Biomechanics and Biomaterials involves the kinematics and kinetics relevant to human anatomy, such as human motion, including linear, angular, and nonlinear analyses, and fluid mechanics relating to human physiology (e.g. blood flow, air flow), including flow, resistance, and turbulence. Stresses and strains in biological tissues, determined experimentally or with computer simulations, help to understand relationships between structure, function, remodeling, and degradation of the tissues.
• Biological and Engineering Materials
• Biomechanics of Skeletal System, Motion and Tissue
• Biofluid Mechanics
• Bioinspired materials
• Biomedical devices
• 3D printing of organs and tissue
• Biomedical Applications of Nanoparticles
• Soft and Biological Matter
• Ergonomics and Design
• Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Biomaterials
The construction of a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model is appertained as 3D printing or manufacturing. The term"3D printing" can concentrate on a number of procedures in which material is deposited, combined, or solidified under computer control to produce a three-dimensional object, frequently subcaste by subcaste. 3D printing ways were considered only suitable for the product of functional or aesthetic prototypes, and rapid-fire prototyping was a more applicable term at the time. As of 2021, the most common 3D printing process is fused deposit modelling (FDM), which uses a nonstop hair of a thermoplastic material. Cumulative manufacturing is defined as a material joining process, whereby a product can be directly fabricated from its 3D model, generally subcaste upon subcaste.
• Organ Printing
• 3D Printing in Catalysis
Energy Systems & Materials deals with materials used in systems that ensure our energy supply. The high-temperature materials for gas turbines in power plants, which in the future are needed as backup systems in an environment where renewable energy sources dominate. Selected material problems from renewable energy systems relying on wind energy and solar energy are discussed. The important materials properties governing the service life of high-temperature components are creep, high-temperature corrosion and high-temperature fatigue. Concerning wind energy, the processing and manufacturing of large wings and gear boxes are discussed, together with the elementary damage mechanisms governing the exploitable service life of these key components.
• Batteries and energy storage
• Computational materials discovery and design
• Constructed law of design
• Hydrodynamics
• Bioinspired materials
• Solar energy
• Thermal transport and thermoelectrics
• Thermofluids for energy
A metamaterial is any material engineered to have a property that is not found in naturally occurring materials. They are made from assemblies of multiple elements fashioned from composite materials such as metals and plastics. The materials are usually arranged in repeating patterns, at scales that are smaller than the wavelengths of the phenomena they influence. Metamaterials derive their properties not from the properties of the base materials, but from their newly designed structures. Their precise shape, geometry, size, orientation and arrangement gives them their smart properties capable of manipulating electromagnetic waves: by blocking, absorbing, enhancing, or bending waves, to achieve benefits that go beyond what is possible with conventional materials. Metamaterials are artificial electromagnetic media that are structured on the subwavelength scale. They provide optical properties that can be reproducibly shaped on length scales below the wavelength of light. Metamaterials that are not found in nature can be endowed with entirely unexpected properties.
· Chiral metamaterials
· Plasmonic metamaterial
Nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm) or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material. The idea behind Nanocomposite is to use building blocks with dimensions in nanometre range to design and create new materials with unprecedented flexibility and improvement in their physical properties.
• Ceramic-matrix nanocomposites
• Metal-matrix nanocomposites
• Polymer-matrix nanocomposites
• Magnetic nanocomposites
• Heat resistant nanocomposites
Robotics and mechatronics is where mechanical and electrical engineering meet, employing computer control systems to make devices smarter and more efficient. As a robotics and mechatronics engineer you could create planetary exploration rovers or robots for precision manufacturing or to assist the elderly.
• Robotics and automation
• Telecommunications
• Mining systems and processes
• Aerospace systems and flight control
• Bioengineering
The Materials Physics section deals with material science. The research is focused on nanoscale structure studies and connection to macroscopic physical properties, as well as fabrication and studies of optoelectronic materials. Activities include topics both in experimental and theoretical condensed matter physics. Strategically we are well positioned with respect to nationally prioritized areas. The division has been successful in attracting significant funding from national and European funding agencies and have close ties to Norwegian industry.
• Ceramics and Textiles Industries
• Mass Spectrometry
• Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
• Materials For Energy & Sustainability
• Emergent Materials
• Renewable Energy
• Fluid Mechanics
• Polymer thin films and coatings
• Nanostructured polymers
• Engineering Mechanics and High-rate Testing
• Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing
• Quantum Materials And Quantum Engineering
• Biomolecules and Simulations
• Photoelectrochemistry
• Electronic materials
• Advanced Manufacturing and Design
• Materials for Extreme Conditions Soft Matter Biomechanics
• Ceramics and Amorphous Solids Materials
• Processing Materials Under Extreme Conditions
• Properties of Biological Materials
• Electrofluids
• Functional microstructures
• Dynamic Biomaterials
• Materials biointerfaces interface materials
• Nanoelectronic Materials & Devices
• Quantum Computing
• Magnetism and Multiferroism
• Computation & Artificial Intelligence
• Smart Hybrid Materials
• Soft Matter & Nanoscale Materials